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LBI  | Banking Application


Big banking Giants want to lower the number of customer inquiry calls for which they want to design a mobile APP that gives their customers a clear status of their accounts. 

According to analysis, the customer inquiry calls are mostly regarding the following.

1. Balance inquiries
2. Blocked cards
3. Cancelled transactions Reasons
4. Returns (Credit)
5. Payment not reflecting
6. Eligibility for credit limit increase
7. Closing the EMI
8. Request a new card

Understanding problem & analysis  

Customer complaints often reflect the gaps in user experience. This required us to understand the flaws in the existing design and develop a system that is seamless, effective and customer-friendly. 

Action-triggered inquiry
1. Cancelled transactions
2. Returns
3. Payment not reflecting

Design Solution 

1. Prompt and clear system responses

2. Feedback and tracking

Self-initiated inquiry 
1. Balance inquiry
​2. Blocking card

3. Eligibility for limit increase
4. Closing EMI
5. Request new card

Design Solution 

1. Step-by-step instructions

2. Contextual help

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Why customers contact organizations

  1. Service Problems: These occur when the outcome of an interaction with a company is not as expected.

  2. Roadblocks: These occur when users cannot complete a task on their channel of choice for various reasons.

  3. Missing or confusing information: Site content was ambiguous or absent.

  4. Perception of complexity: Users felt that the task was too complex for the digital channels available to them.

UX design approach | James Garrett model

Surface brings everything together visually | what final product look like?

Skeleton makes structure concrete | what components will enable people to use the site?

Structure gives shape to scope | how will the pieces of the site fit together and behave?

Scope transforms strategy into requirements | what features will the site need to include?

Strategy is where it all begins | what do we want to get out of the site, what do our users want?

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Design strategy and scope


The system should be designed to reduce the requirement for users to call for an inquiry. Focusing on the Heuristics below can help reduce the need for the user to call for an inquiry

1. Visibility of system status
2. Help users Recognise, diagnose and recover error 
3. Help and Documentation 
4. Error prevention

Menu and navigation

Most of the banking applications are hard to use as they are loaded with features that are rarely used by common users. Navigation and find-ability are some of the major issues in banking platforms

Customization and personalization

Most users have a limited set of 6-9 features that they frequently use, easy navigation to these features can save time for users to navigate through complex banking options

Chat-bot and contextual help

Chatbot and contextual help can be used by novice users to complete the task without contacting customer care executives 

Voice enabled IVR

Voice-enabled IVR can be a future way to handle customer enquiry calls, as Google Duplex is enabling real-time voice-operated assistance.

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Surface | Visual design
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That's all about it! thank you

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